应意大利威尼斯建筑大学的前任院长MARINO FOLIN先生邀请,何镜堂院士在国外的首次作品展将于2016年10月10日至11月15日,在威尼斯建筑大学CA’TRON校区展出。此次展览以“地域性、文化性、时代性——为激变的中国而设计”为主题,通过展示何院士主持的主要作品来深入诠释其建筑创作哲学。
At the invitation of former dean of IUAV, Mr. MARINO FOLIN, Academician He Jingtang’s first overseas exhibition will be held on IUAV’s CA’TRON campus from Oct. 10 to Nov. 15, 2016. The exhibition themed as PLACE, CULTURE, TIME — Design for Dramatically Changing China will present He’s representative design works and interpret his philosophy of architectural creation.
As a master architect and a native from south China, Academician He has been challenged by the constantly changing environment as result of the dramatic transformation in China in the past three decades, yet he managed to overcome the geographical and custom constraints existing in many cities and created a large number of architectures of diverse typologies and styles. Following nearly one year’s of planning and preparation, this exhibition is to present ten representative design works of Academician He among his all, including museums, memorial halls, campuses and urban redevelopment etc. The scale and local culture of these projects vary distinctively from each other. In terms of exhibition and display techniques, various techniques are employed, such as the models, drawings, videos and installations, to present an informative contents and communicate the design philosophy of respecting regional features, cultural inheritance and the S&T progress through all the ten projects.
The exhibition will be unveiled in IUAV on Oct. 10, 2016. A lecture by Academician He and a roundtable for invited scholars will be held on the same day at IUAV’s School of Planning, where Academician He will share his insights and exchange views with the guests on how to design in today’s changing world.
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